Category Archives: Uncategorized

An Introduction to Biocomposites

  Introduction Biocomposites can offer a low energy and sustainable alternative to current manufacturing processes. When used in the correct application they can offer a good alternative to GRP.   Reinforcements Natural fibre Reinforcements absorb CO2 throughtout their growing cycle. They have good mechanical properties (similar to GRP) and their low density makes them a […]


Renewable Energy

With the world committing to reducing its Green House gas emissions renewable and sustainable energy has never been as important to the World as it is now.   By 2035,  if we continue as we are, the World would have broken through its 2 degC ceiling on temperature rise since preindustrial level to stop climate […]


Designing to meet the demand of the Modern World!

Designing for the modern world is full of opportunities and challenges.  Never has the need for nicely designed products been so high.  Never has the customers needs from its products been so demanding. As a Engineer designing to meet the demands of a modern world the opportunities have never been so exciting.  At TT Design […]